Friday, February 12, 2010

Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind

When I first saw Nausicaa in class, I thought the masked individual was not human as was a product of the post apocalyptic world. As we discussed in class, Miyazaki leaves the reader in suspence because for about the first ten minutes of the movie we are not aware of who the masked indiviual is. While viewing the beginning credits a second time, I noticed Miyazaki used tapestry as a way to tell a story within a story just as Ingmar Bergman does in the openning sequence of Sawdust and Tinsel (1957). I wonder if there is perhaps Miyazaki was influenced by Bergman in some way?

Although, Nausicaa was a long film I did not mind watching the film again because I knew it would provide me with the anticipated happy ending. I am curious to find out if all the films we will watch by Miyazaki this semseter will have the traditonal Hollywood endings.